That’s a 20KG/40LB steel mace & a 24KG/53LB Kettlebell
Pavel is always an inspiration to all my content
One day I was re-reading Pavel’s Enter The Kettlebell, and then when I set it down…I looked at the cover with an idea: “I wonder if I could do that with a steel mace in the other hand?” So I went into the gym, gave it go, and it was ridiculously hard. Even though I was swinging & catching both the steel mace & kettlebell at the same — my hands were absolutely confused when to grip all the sudden because of their different shapes. However, the next week I was practicing it again and naturally evolved into the Snatch & Catch (demo below). So then I thought, “this is too good NOT to put in my next ebook” and is exactly what I did recently releasing GADA Swing Volume 2. However, when I create crazy movements like this I want to put into an ebook — I have to think about breaking it down piece by piece so a beginner will NOT swing a steel mace into their face and go see dentist as result. So I came up with 10 levels to build up to the Berserker Snatch & Catch (calling a steel mace & kettlebell combo exercise “Berserker” just sounds right).
So I wanted to give you guys of a pure example of HOW MY ebooks are formatted with hyperlinked video content. “Free ebooks” in my opinion are cheap scams to get your email address and have the depth of a small pamphlet (with no video content). Trust me, my free Youtube videos and articles provide 10x more info than any “free ebook” you’ve seen online. The Joker famously states in The Dark Knight, “if you’re good at something…NEVER do it for free.” So I’m putting my money where my mouth is and showing you I not only demo everything with solid technique, but have tutorials as well to give even more detail on essential techniques. Demo format is what you saw in the first video above. It’s quick 1 minute video with me voicing over the exercise with captions and different camera angles getting straight to the point. I currently have a (unlisted) video library of 700+ demos like that for all my ebook workout programs so you’re not confused what do. Tutorial format is me talking to the camera like I’m there with you. It’s longer than 5 to 10 minutes and I’m NOT talking like its a boring lecture. Its all hands on, and sometimes when I’m editing these tutorial videos…I have no idea myself HOW I’m talking and demoing at the same time.
This Berserker Snatch & Catch Tutorial one of the many featured in-depth coaching tutorials in GADA Swing Volume 2. It breaks down ALL ten levels needed to earn your foundations first with it. This is also how ANY exercise is broken down in ALL my ebooks. When I’m developing the workouts for the program from beginner to advanced I ask myself: “did I give the right foundations in the last workout before progressing this exercise?” It’s like a giant a puzzle and it takes me months to develop, but this is what you’re paying for…quality coaching. If I wanted to come up with a bunch of random crap in less than a month…maybe I would start making “free ebooks” — enjoy the Berserker Snatch & Tutorial below:
If you want to see more, be sure to check out GADA Swing Volume 2: Guide for Kettlebell Doubles & Heavy Mace Strength Training. It features Stick Mobility Drills with bonus Steel Club substituting in the workout programs and has over 300+ hyperlinked demos for every exercise. You also get MORE critical skills on how to properly lift heavier maces and add balance beam drills to better prime stability from the ground and up. Use code: GS210 to save at checkout — CLICK HERE to go the next level. You can ALSO bundle it with the first volume using code: GADABUNDLE25